Planning Tips

African American woman looking reflective in the mirror

Living Your Word: A Year of Intentional Growth

As we turn the page to a brand new quarter of the year, the glimmer of hope and promise of setting resolutions and goals may have slightly faded. In my previous article, “Embracing New Beginnings: 52 Words to Shape Your Year,” I explored the concept of using weekly words to guide and shape our journey […] Read more…

Pink Agenda/Planner

Should You Color Code Your Planner

Benefits of Color Coding in Your Planner After you have chosen the planner you want to use and have some basic ideas of what to include in it, one of the next considerations is how to use it effectively. The use of color coding can help better organize items in your planner.  Color coding involves […] Read more…

Setting Up Your New Planner

Tips for Setting Up Your New Planner

After you have purchased your planner, the first thing you need to do is set it up. Here is a quick guide to doing this efficiently, while also keeping it a simplified process. (This post contains affiliate links. See our full disclosure policy. ) Gather Your Tools and Supplies The first step to setting up […] Read more…